The poetry is a collaboration between the city and the nonprofit Public Art Saint Paul. Like all public infrastructure, sidewalk poetry requires careful, thoughtful planning.
Traditional Hmong poetry is oral, not written, and it is epic — you'd need a boulevard, not one square of cement. The city and Public Art Saint Paul hosted poetry workshops for the general public, for Dakota poets, for Hmong, for Somali, for poets writing in Spanish; all geared toward helping residents hone their ideas down to the few hundred characters that can fit on a stamp.
Each poem appears in multiple places around the city. The 73 poems chosen for the program before this year helped create almost 1,300 neighborhood poetry breaks. That number will grow as sidewalks crack and crumble and work crews patch them up and stamp a lucky few with a reason for neighbors to look down and smile, or sigh, or think as they're out shoveling their walks or walking their dogs.
Some of this year's poets will read their entries on Saturday, June 24, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Raspberry Island, when Public Art Saint Paul's Wakpa Triennial Art Festival kicks off. The event will be a 12-week celebration of public art and exhibits by Twin Cities artists.
The city hosts the sidewalk poetry competition every two years. Only St. Paul residents can enter. Only St. Paul residents can tell this story.
"I'm a daughter of Rondo, five generations strong," said Artika Tyner, author, attorney, University of St. Thomas Law School professor and sidewalk poet. You can find her 2021 love note to her neighborhood, "I Am Rondo," on sidewalks across St. Paul. "I wanted to capture that legacy."