The story involving Steve Scalise, the Majority Whip and the No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives, who admitted he addressed a gathering of white supremacists in 2002 when he was serving in the Louisiana Legislature took another bizarre turn today.
The Steve Scalise and white supremacists story takes another bizarre turn
The story involving embattled House Majority Whip Steve Scalise took another bizarre turn today.
By brodkorbm
While Scalise apologized for speaking to members of European-American Unity and Rights Organization (called EURO), which was founded by former Ku Klux Klan member David Duke, an aide to Duke contradicted previous statements he made and told that Scalise did not speak to the group.
Numerous media outlets reported today that Scalise and his staff did not respond to requests for comments. At the time this post was published, the statement issued yesterday by Scalise had not been retracted or amended by Scalise or his staff.
So the story Republicans were hoping would go away has stuck around for another day and it is likely that until Scalise provides additional comments and explains what actually happened in 2002 it will not go away.
For Republicans this nighmare public relations situtaution got even worse, as it was supporters of David Duke who become Scalise's de facto communications staff on this issue today. Scalise's response to this issue has been void of any thoughtful political strategy and it remains to be seen if Scalise has the polical acumen to perfore in such a high visability position for Republicans.
If Scalise did not attend a meeting of white supremacist in 2002, as some supporters of David Duke are now claiming, then Scalise should still leave his leadership position with Republicans in the House of Represenatives.