Cliff swallows are said by ornithologists to show the highest degree of colonization of any of the 89 swallow species in the world. Colonies can number from 200 to more than 2,000 nests. They could be nesting in your neighborhood without being obvious about it. That happened to me this spring. More on that later.
Believed to be limited to the southwestern part of the United States 100 to 150 years ago, cliff swallows today breed almost everywhere in North America.
Most North American bird species have been impacted by humans one way or another, some for better, others for worse. These swallows are a species that has benefited significantly from efforts never intended to involve birds at all.
We built bridges and buildings and culverts. Those structures provide the very particular site requirements these birds need for their self-constructed mud nests.
In choosing a nesting site, the swallows look for a vertical face with a surface to which mud will adhere. Ninety degrees is one of our basic construction strategies, so our work meets the birds’ criteria very well. Cement is a perfect foundation.
We moved this spring to an apartment not far from our old neighborhood. We have chosen what could be called a purple martin housing strategy, with elevators.
There is water here, two small lakes linked by manmade channels crossed by concrete bridges. The water attracts insects, the shorelines provide mud.
Walking here one day I noticed swallows coming and going from beneath the bridges. The concrete bridge surfaces are perfect for nest construction, numberless dabs of mud shaped to enclose a gourd-like nest, a small entry hole for access.