DETROIT LAKES, MINN. – Sen. Tina Smith sent a letter. Sen. Amy Klobuchar said she couldn’t make it. So did Rep. Michelle Fischbach.
So the local chapter of the League of Women Voters held its own town hall meeting at the Detroit Lakes City Hall on Saturday. It drew more than 100 people, with attendees leaning against the walls and gathered in an overflow room, eager to talk or to listen to what was being said.
Most attendees identified themselves to me as liberals or independents. There were a few Republicans, including one who said he no longer votes for his own party.
In 2017, after President Donald Trump took office, I joined hundreds of women in Morris, Minn., who marched for women’s rights. Like them, I was distressed that he’d been elected despite his comments about sexually assaulting women.
This time, the concerns reflect the immediate impact of government spending freezes and potential cuts on the most vulnerable.
What will happen to Meals on Wheels? Rep. Jodey Arrington of Texas has proposed eliminating the Social Services Block Grant program, which pays for the popular program that delivers meals to the elderly.
What will happen to homeless assistance grants? Under the Trump administration, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is no longer a reliable source of funds.
Lisa Skarie of United Church Home, which provides housing for seniors, said a Vietnam veteran she assists saw his military pension fall by half. Reached later, she explained that the 75-year-old’s rent check bounced in February, and when she investigated, she saw that his pension had been cut by about $550 a month, leaving him short of funds. She hasn’t received any explanation from the federal government.