MORRIS, MINN. - In Faith Lutheran Church on Monday, volunteers ladled hearty helpings of mashed potatoes and Swedish meatballs onto dinner plates.
A lengthy line of diners waited to eat: retirees, families, women from a group home, students, staff from the University of Minnesota-Morris.
Six times a year, Morris offers a free community meal. It’s a way to bring people together for conversation. But increasingly, it tides people over to their next meal.
In a study presented during a food forum on Monday, university researchers found that many Morris residents and their neighbors in a five-county area in west-central Minnesota skimp by on food: They are unable to afford adequate or balanced meals, have skipped or cut meals, not eaten for entire days, and in some cases lost weight because they didn’t have food. Still others said they worried about being able to afford enough food in coming months.
Speakers at the forum laid the problem squarely on the doorstep of modern agriculture.
“Our system incentivizes two crops: corn and beans,” said Scott DeMuth, regional foods system organizer with the Land Stewardship Project, which helped organize the forum. “You gotta go bigger, or you gotta get out.”

In the modern system, farms consolidate, leaving fewer farms, fewer people, and fewer kids in school. Long gone are the days farmers grew for their own communities. Now, most of the bounty of those five agricultural counties is trucked away to become animal feed or ethanol. Tens of thousands of beef cattle, hundreds of thousands of hogs and pigs, the milk from tens of thousands of dairy cows enters massive processing centers designed to serve the needs of millions of people, not thousands. When the food returns in packages of ground beef or cartons of milk, or when it arrives via a shaky global food supply chain, it is increasingly unaffordable.
These five counties — Douglas, Grant, Pope, Stevens and Traverse — encompass 3,135 square miles, about the size of the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area. But the region is home to a fraction of the population, only 71,000 people.