Many years ago, the Babe City Rollers, a Bemidji women’s roller derby team, had a transgender woman on its team.
She became a star player; she was strong, long-limbed and fast.
I was at their game to write a magazine article about roller derby and afterward joined the team for lunch. Back in those days, I was a real chicken and didn’t dare address the elephant in the room: Did having a team member who was born a male give the Babe City Rollers an advantage, and if it did, was it unfair? And was it safe? Injuries were not uncommon in a sport that cultivated fierce showmanship. Players told me they’d broken their collarbones and suffered concussions.
Mostly I was afraid of saying the wrong thing, of getting jumped on, of being seen as unfairly singling out a player they had all embraced as one of their own. So I figured I’d keep my mouth shut. And I did.
It was the wrong thing to do. If anything, we should have been having open, honest and candid conversations about transgender participation in female sports all along, no matter how awkward. The absence of these conversations allowed two extreme sides to develop: one that forbids any deviation from the standard orthodoxy that transgender females should be allowed in women’s sports and the other that transgender participation will trigger the demise of women’s sports.
You can guess which side of the 2024 presidential election each side fell on. Donald Trump and pro-Trump groups spent tens of millions of dollars on campaign ads attacking Kamala Harris on transgender issues and exploiting the divide.
Now the Minnesota State High School League is under investigation by the Trump administration for its 2015 policy allowing transgender girls to participate in school sports. Schools that allow it could lose federal funding. And the Minnesota House is debating a bill, introduced by suburban legislator Republican Rep. Peggy Scott, to ban transgender girls in girls' sports statewide.
I have to say it’s refreshing to hear Republicans take such an interest in the rights of girls and women, especially during a time when Blame the Woman has waged a comeback at the highest levels of government.