A top Republican in the U.S. Senate is questioning Medicare Advantage billing practices at UnitedHealth Group following a critical report last year from a federal watchdog agency and a Wall Street Journal article last week on a new investigation by the Justice Department.
The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that the Justice Department recently launched an investigation into billing practices at Eden Prairie-based UnitedHealth Group to see if the company fraudulently used diagnosis data to trigger billions in extra Medicare Advantage payments.
In October, the Office of Inspector General at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said UnitedHealth Group stood out from its peers in the use of this data to boost payments.
U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, sent a letter to the company Monday, saying he’s long been a proponent of Medicare Advantage health plans even as he’s pushed for Medicare to recover improper payments to health insurers that sell the coverage.
“Despite these oversight efforts, [Medicare Advantage organizations] continue to defraud the American taxpayer, costing them billions of dollars a year,” Grassley wrote to UnitedHealth Group CEO Andrew Witty in a letter first reported Tuesday by the Wall Street Journal.
Grassley added: “UnitedHealth Group benefited financially more than any other [Medicare Advantage organization], which raises serious questions about its practices. The apparent fraud, waste and abuse at issue is simply unacceptable and harms not only Medicare beneficiaries, but also the American taxpayer.”
UnitedHealth Group said it welcomed the chance to share information with Grassley, “especially given the ongoing misinformation campaign by the [Wall Street Journal].”
The company says it has called for CMS to conduct audits for every Medicare Advantage (MA) health plan, every year, and holds itself “to the highest ethical standards of quality and integrity in our practices.”