As told by Lisa Dongoske, above: "We were fishing for bass on Lake Minnetonka when I caught this muskie on 8-pound test line, a jig and a small minnow. I caught it on my last cast of the day! It's my first really big fish. Holding it is our awesome guide, Travis Frank, who helped haul it into our boat.''
Trophy tales: That's no bass


Turner Koltnow, 8, (left) and his brother, Max, 6, of Eden Prairie proudly held a 28-inch northern Max caught on a local lake while fishing with their grandpa, Dennis Koltnow. "Max handled the fish well and declared it to be the lake's largest northern by far," Dennis Koltnow said. "A great day for the boys and an even better one for gramps.''

Ryan Lehrman of Chicago was fishing for walleyes with a jig and a minnow on Lake of the Woods when this 45-inch northern hit. The fish, his biggest catch ever, was released. Lehrman grew up in the Twin Cities and has been fishing Lake of the Woods with his family since he was 10.
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