"Dearly beloved," Maya Rudolph announced, "we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life."
When she uttered that 1984 Prince lyric in late January to kick off the taping of "Let's Go Crazy: The Grammy Salute to Prince," she had no idea how prophetic those words would be when the show airs on Tuesday. No one knew how profound and penetrating the COVID-19 pandemic would become.
"Everything that we've been singing of his has been prophetic," actress/comedian Rudolph said in an interview last week. "All these songs about gun control, 'am I black or white, straight or gay,' he's been telling us this stuff for a long time. It takes people a long time to catch up."
The two-hour special is studded with stars — from Earth Wind & Fire to Beck — performing Prince songs from the 1980s.
There's a significant Minnesota connection. Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Minneapolis-launched producer-songwriters, were co-musical directors along with Prince pal Sheila E. Two of Minneapolis' greatest Prince-spawned acts — Morris Day & the Time and the Revolution — perform.
Revolution drummer Bobby Z thinks the timing of this TV special is so quintessentially Prince-like. In an era of low-budget Zoom television performances from stars' living rooms, leave it to Prince to bring a fully staged spectacle into America's living rooms.
"It's the right artists, it's the right time and the right medium. People need this at this moment. This music can help get you through this day," said Bobby Z. "Leave it to Prince to have an old-fashioned big-time TV show when it's going to be hard to do these kind of things for a long time. He pulled it off again: Being the biggest thing on national television when nobody else can get on. I've been watching him do that my whole life."
And Prince does it on the fourth anniversary of his death.