What's old is new again is true both in fashion and in the kitchen. But unlike some of today's styles that mimic the clothes you donated long ago, the pressure cooker is back, and it's better (and safer) than ever.
Those who eschew the Instant Pot as one of those small-appliance fads, prepare to be humbled. Engineer Robert Wang cooked up the first one back in 2009 as a combination pressure cooker/slow cooker — two appliances in one, a cook's dream — and it's been gaining steam ever since.
Now the Instant Pot is so much more. You can sauté, steam, sous vide, make yogurt, broil and air fry, and the list of models, accessories and cookbooks is impossibly long. Issued as a standard 6-quart model, it now has smaller (3-quart) and larger (8-quart) sizes to accommodate various family sizes and uses. Off-brand models are widely available, too.
Yet despite its popularity and myriad uses, one big problem remains — many would-be Instant Potters are afraid to take it out of the box.
Yes, the idea of pressure cooking can sound intimidating, especially to those who remember the version used by mom or grandma. And sure, the noises emerging from the Instant Pot can be a little unsettling the first time around. But taking that initial step can yield big dividends in the kitchen.
The Instant Pot earned a permanent place in my kitchen the second I realized that making pulled pork could be done on a busy weeknight instead of a Sunday afternoon. A family-favorite mac and cheese, Thanksgiving mashed potatoes and cooking nearly perfect rice sealed the deal. Now the Instant Pot is a regular part of my menu planning.
Information overload
Those who are Instant Pot veterans (some call themselves Pot Heads; don't do that) know that while the cooker can be a workhorse, it also can turn out elegant company-worthy dishes for any meal.