TV picks for Feb. 16: "Abbey" finale, SI swimsuit special

FEARnet officially kills the Valentine's Day cheer by airing all five "Exorcist" films, starting with that head-spinning 1973 classic, "The Exorcist" (1 p.m. Saturday, FEARnet). Interesting to note how many fascinating directors helmed films in this franchise. The list includes William Friedkin, John Boorman, Paul Schrader and Renny Harlin.
Brave explorers
Filmmakers venture into Antarctica, Africa and Asia to capture footage of the endangered species known as supermodels for "SI Swimsuit 2013" (7 p.m. Sunday, Travel), featuring cover girl Kate Upton and a dozen others braving the elements.
To the manor bored
"Downton Abbey" (8 p.m. Sunday, KTCA, Ch. 2) wraps up its third season with its traditional "Christmas" episode, which is somewhat of a disappointment. For a series that usually moves at a brisk pace, this outing is rather slow and uneventful, except for a slapped-together ending that spells the fate of a beloved character.
Neal Justin