TV picks for May 3-5: 'At the Heart of Gold,' 'Gloria Estefan,' 'Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell,' 'Charm City'

Ideally, "Emilio & Gloria Estefan: The Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song" would give the honorees a chance to sit back in their box seats and enjoy being feted. But except for a stirring duet between Cyndi Lauper and Patti LaBelle, all the highlights involve the power couple taking the stage themselves with Gloria Estefan encouraging the Washington, D.C., crowd to do the conga.
8 p.m. Friday, TPT, Ch. 2
Tumbling in turmoil
Minneapolis native Erin Lee Carr is developing into one of our finest documentary filmmakers. Her latest, "At the Heart of Gold: Inside the U.S.A. Gymnastics Scandal," shows she has the same keen eye for detail and gift for storytelling that made her father, the late David Carr, a celebrated print journalist. The interviews with Dr. Larry Nassar's victims will haunt you long after the credits roll.
7 p.m. Friday, HBO
Sympathy for the devil
Of all the Adult Swim shows, "Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell" may be the most "adult," if only because so many of its jokes are aimed at grown-ups. The first couple of episodes in the fourth season are best enjoyed if you're familiar with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Chubby Checker and "Cheers" regular Norm Peterson. Those without a clue will have to settle for giggling at actors who have to wear red paint and horns on their faces.
11 p.m. Friday, Adult Swim
Making a difference
Baltimore's troubling murder rate is examined in film festival favorite "Charm City." But instead of just playing the blame game, director Marilyn Ness puts the spotlight on law enforcement officers and community leaders trying to turn the tide. The documentary may not persuade you to book a Maryland vacation, but you'll come away with admiration for these relatively unsung heroes.
9 p.m. Saturday, TPT Life
Neal Justin