They are the moms screaming in ice arenas, driving their would-be-Wayne Gretzky to practice at 6 a.m. on a Saturday and sacrificing so much for the ultimate sport in the state of hockey. Now you can follow their drama on a weekly basis on television. "Hockey Moms" premieres Saturday on KSTC-45 at 6:30 p.m. Producers call it part reality show and part documentary.
"They are super dedicated, loving hockey moms who have other real personal stories that we are going to be sharing," said show creator John McCally, CEO of McCally-Lee Entertainment. "They are four very distinct hockey moms, and we picked them for that reason."
Three of the moms are from Minnesota (Stillwater, Rosemount and Cambridge-Isanti hockey associations) and one is from the Menomonie, Wis., area. All have youth hockey players and different approaches to life and the sport that consumes their lives.
Gwen Marty has a son in the Stillwater area hockey association and struggles with the cost of the sport and also paying for her daughter's participation in dance.
"It's been a whirlwind," said Marty. "I was nervous and apprehensive, but the producers have just been fabulous. I give them my schedule and I tell them to choose what they want to film."
The other three moms bring different elements and backgrounds to the program. Shontel Parnell has five children playing hockey in the Cambridge-Isanti area. She owns five businesses with her husband, Clint Parnell, who also coaches hockey.
Parnell considers herself the calm amid the chaos.
Shay Chamberlain, the mom from Menomonie, has fought for four years to get her son, 11, into a youth hockey association. She is described as a loud, proud and opinionated hockey mom.