"Foraging, in my mind, isn't just an act — it's a mind-set and a healthy way of life," writes Alan Bergo in "The Forager Chef's Book of Flora" (Chelsea Green Publishing, $34.95). "It's about the willingness to look beyond the status quo for exciting and unconventional ingredients; an eagerness to make the best possible uses of all the edible parts of plants and animals; and a desire to have a more personal, meaningful and gratifying relationship with food."
What a manifesto!
Bergo is a veteran of several high-profile Twin Cities restaurants, and the last chef to helm the kitchen at the former farm-to-table epicenter Lucia's Restaurant in Minneapolis. He's spent years exploring, studying and harvesting the regional landscape, supplying restaurants with foraged treasures while sharing that wealth of knowledge on his popular website, foragerchef.com.
In this remarkable new cookbook, Bergo provides stories, photographs and inventive recipes. Along with celebrating edible plants found in the wild, Bergo's root-to-flower cooking embraces a whole-plant mentality, just as the tail-to-snout movement encourages cooks to utilize every part of the animal.
Speaking by phone from his farm near Menomonie, Wis., Bergo discussed our natural inclination to forage, the joys of hostas and why we should take a less pejorative approach to the word "weed."
Q: How did your interest in foraging germinate?
A: I've spent my whole life in the kitchen — I thought that would be my forever career — and I'm an obsessive learner. At Il Vesco Vino [the former St. Paul restaurant], I would do some of the receiving, and [chef] Andy Lilja would show me local products, and they were so expensive, and so special. Things like nettles and mushrooms went right to the top of the pedestal of precious ingredients.
The day after I'd cleaned some chicken of the woods mushrooms I was playing disc golf, and I saw the same kind of mushroom in a tree. That's when a light just went off, and I started buying all the literature. That was probably 11 or 12 years ago, and now I've taken a dream that I had and made it into a job.