The driver on a bender. The distracted accidental tourist. The speed demon who can't stop in time. No wonder auto body shops do such brisk business: The hits keep on coming.
While even the best body shops can't undo the accident, Twin Cities Consumers' Checkbook's ratings reveal they can restore your car to its pre-crash appearance and performance. But our ratings also reveal that some shops may compound your misery with lousy work. And that prices at some shops are more than twice as high as their nearby competitors.
Until Aug. 5, Checkbook is offering free access to its unbiased ratings of area body shops to Star Tribune readers via
Bodywork doesn't require exacting work standards alone. Mechanics also must possess expertise on the properties of metals and plastics; the mechanics of high-tech suspension and steering systems; modern welding methods; the art of paint tinting and blending; how to spot accident-related damage to mechanical, electrical, air-conditioning, and other systems; and much more.
If you, not an insurance company, are paying for the work, shop around for a good price.
Checkbook's undercover shoppers got bids from area shops for the same bodywork and found that you can save big by choosing a shop that has low prices.
Don't assume a low price means lousy work. Shops that quoted the lowest prices to Checkbook's undercover shoppers scored better on its customer survey questions than shops that quoted high prices.
If an insurance company is paying for the repairs, as is the case with more than 80% of auto bodywork, you need a shop that won't let the insurer cut corners. Does the shop provide a clear estimate? Can its representative explain and document the need for each element of the job? If so, chances are good that the shop will get your insurance company to pay for all needed work.