The Twin Cities is No. 1 among U.S. cities for the number of AmeriCorps volunteers.
Twin Cities is No. 1 for the number of AmeriCorps volunteers
![A group of Americorps tutors raised their right hands as they took the Americorps pledge. ] ALEX KORMANN ¥ Americorps held their largest pledge ceremony in Minnesota history at the Minneapolis Convention Center on Tuesday. Approximately 1,000 teachers gathered to receive training and take the pledge to to help guide children around the country for the next year. The group all also received a free copy of the Paul Reynolds book, "Going Places".](
Minneapolis-St. Paul moved up from second place last year to take the top spot this year for generating the highest number of AmeriCorps members per capita, according to the data released last week by the federal agency that administers the AmeriCorps program, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).
New Orleans and Baltimore ranked second and third among large cities in the annual CNCS report.
AmeriCorps, which is sometimes referred to as the domestic Peace Corps, will celebrate 25 years this fall. AmeriCorps members are involved in programs that range from tutoring students to improving the environment.
Minnesota has funding for about 2,000 AmeriCorps members this year and ranks fifth among states for the number of volunteers, with Washington, D.C. leading the list..
![Melissa Evers works with a client at Avivo. ] GLEN STUBBE • Friday, August 31, 2018 AmeriCorps member Melissa Evers is serving in Minnesota’s first-ever Recovery Corps providing peer-to-peer support for individuals overcoming addition.
Evers is a recovery navigator at the nonprofit Avivo, which helps more than 18,000 people each year, with recovery, employment, and economic advancement.
Evers, who used to work with people with disabilities, said AmeriCor](