Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey and St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter got hit with a blizzard in a city-vs.-city battle Sunday at Como Park's McMurray Athletic Fields, after the St. Paul City Council challenged its rival to a snowball fight.
The snowball fight had three rounds, one for elected officials, one for children 11 and younger and one for older kids.
Who won? In Minnesota Nice fashion, everyone went home a winner, and also wetter.
A snowball fight was held at McMurray Fields between the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey left, and St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter were covered with snow during a snowball fight between the two cites Sunday February 24, 2019 in St. Paul, MN.] Jerry Holt • Jerry.holt@startribune.com (The Minnesota Star Tribune)
A snowball fight was held at McMurray Fields between the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Paul Chellsen who lives in St.Paul but works for the city of Minneapolis tossed a huge snowball at team St. Paul during a snowball fight Sunday February 24, 2019 in St. Paul, MN.] Jerry Holt • Jerry.holt@startribune.com (The Minnesota Star Tribune)