St. Paul homeowner Roxanne Stickney will spend 10% of her take-home pay on her property tax bill next year.
The taxes on her two-bedroom East Side home will jump more than 55 % in a year's time to more than $3,000. The single mom's frustration spilled out as she, along with dozens of other demoralized homeowners, addressed the City Council last week.
"You are squeezing us out. Why don't you buy us out, us older folks?" said Stickney, a runner for a title and escrow company. "It's just impossible."
Twin Cities residents say they're making tough choices this year to afford their rising tax bills, from cancelling trips and dinners out to working second and third jobs. The St. Paul City Council on Wednesday approved a nearly 15% property tax levy hike, the day after Minneapolis leaders signed off on a 6.5% increase. Suburban communities, too, are feeling the pain as local governments raise taxes to pay for everything from new buildings to office supplies.
Taxes levied by cities, counties and school districts make up property tax bills. Many local governments that held off on increases during the dark days of the COVID-19 pandemic are now being forced to make up for lost time. Local leaders say inflation and rising labor costs are compounding — and, in some cases, federal COVID aid is drying up — resulting in higher levies.
The levy is the total amount a local government collects in property taxes, not the amount that individual property owners pay.
St. Paul's levy saw a hefty increase after a judge ordered the city to stop assessing individual property owners for routine street work. As a result, St. Paul shifted the $13.3 million it previously collected in street maintenance fees to property tax bills, meaning the tax increases capital city homeowners are seeing may be partly offset by a decrease in their special assessments.
But the change also means tax-exempt properties such as churches, hospitals and universities no longer have to contribute to the upkeep of city streets. Plus, it only accounts for about half of St. Paul's levy hike, which officials said was also fueled by inflation and added operating expenses.