Scott Benson admits that he's a Gilbert & Sullivan nerd — although aficionado would be the kinder term. Benson, the former Minneapolis City Council member and now trial litigator, got hooked on the English duo when he was in law school at Georgetown. He has performed in nearly a dozen G&S shows, including three times in "The Mikado." This weekend, he takes the stage as the titular character in "The Grand Duke," a role he sang in 1991.
Yet for all his devotion, Benson is something of a piker when compared with the leaders of the Gilbert & Sullivan Very Light Opera Company, a community group that is producing "The Grand Duke" at Howard Conn Fine Arts Center in Minneapolis.
"I haven't done a show with them since 1996," Benson said. "So I've lost my grandfather status with them."
Beg pardon?
"There's a grandfathering clause so that if you've been in X number of shows, you are guaranteed a spot in the chorus," said Joe Andrews, who is directing Benson in this production.
Loyalty has its benefits, and since 1979, a dedicated group of G&S fans has fashioned one fully staged production each year, and a concert performance at Lake Harriet Bandshell of one of the big three — "H.M.S. Pinafore," "The Mikado" or "Pirates of Penzance."
"The Grand Duke" was the final collaboration between librettist W.S. Gilbert and composer Arthur Sullivan. It failed, and because their relationship had hit the skids, neither man wanted to revisit the scene of the crime.
"Oddly, it's one of my favorites, not for how it was originally written but the way this company has rewritten it," Benson said.