The likelihood of a Major League Baseball season happening in some fashion this year hinges on players and owners getting together soon on a deal. It's far from certain, but progress at least they're trying.
What seems closer to a certainty, however, is that any truncated, fan-less season in MLB will leave minor league baseball shut out — while a canceled MLB season would do the same. Either way, more than 100 teams and ballparks in small towns, mid-size cities and large metropolises figure to have a gaping hole on their calendars and revenue sheets in 2020 if there are, as expected, no minor league games this season in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
As ESPN's Jeff Passan wrote recently: "Minor leaguers are nervous, and they should be. For the past two months, they have worked to stay in shape and prepare for a season that may never happen. Even if MLB carries a 30-man major league roster with a 20-man taxi squad, that leaves the remaining minor leaguers without games to play."
Players are wondering how they are going to pay bills. Teams are trying to keep the lights on — and some are getting extremely creative in their attempts to do so.
Chief among them are the Pensacola Blue Waves — the Florida-based Class AA Twins affiliate — have grabbed headlines by listing Wahoos Stadium on the rental site Airbnb for $1,500 a night.
(Photo via Pensacola Wahoos Facebook page).
There's a bedroom next to the clubhouse that can accommodate up to 10 people, and the rental ad indicates that guests "are welcome to hit from home plate, play catch in the outfield, run the bases, enjoy a picnic in the outfield, or find other creative uses for the field!"