Two Becker school board members resigned last month following a presentation by a group deemed by many to be anti-LGBTQ.
Cindy Graham and Sarah Schafer, who were both elected to the six-member board in November 2020, resigned March 15, the day after the presentation that focused on gender identities. Community members learned of the resignations at the April 4 meeting, at which Superintendent Jeremy Schmidt announced the resignations and the board voted on a process for filling the vacant seats.
Schmidt declined to comment more on the resignations, and Board Chair Mark Swanson did not return a request for comment. Schafer also didn't respond to a request for comment.
Graham said that she resigned after seeing the lack of respect from students at the presentation, as well as hearing criticism from residents and seeing national news stories about the presentation.
"I was on the news in L.A., and unfortunately my face was one of the faces that were shown," she said. "I've had people comment on how my face lacked empathy. That's my job as a board member — to remain neutral and take in information. That's what I was doing."
The school board invited the Child Protection League to speak at a special meeting March 14 following outrage from some community members after OutFront Minnesota — an organization supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights — presented at an August meeting.
One of the League's founders, Barb Anderson, is known for her involvement in conversations about gender inclusion with the Anoka-Hennepin school board a decade ago — around the same time a lawsuit claimed the district didn't respond to harassment on the basis of sexual orientation and it saw a rash of suicides among students.
Anderson was not at the Becker presentation; Julie Quist, board chair for the League, spoke mostly about what she called the "worrisome" increase in the number of transgender youth in the last decade and cited possible reasons as anxiety, autism or sexual trauma exacerbated by peer and social media influences — something the group calls a "social contagion."