TWO HARBORS, Minn. - Chris Swanson, the attention-grabbing mayor behind a proposed underwater hotel in Lake Superior, with a Twitter feed full of cryptocurrency boosterism and a hair-trigger for forming new companies, will tell you he is a visionary. Repeatedly.
"I was always starting different business, always getting into different things — always ideas, that's who I am," he said during a recent visit to his downtown office.
Friends and even foes describe the mayor as a visionary. But in the past few months, he's also been accused of conflicts of interest, abuse of power, disrespecting constituents and drawing embarrassing attention to the city.
Now, some in this town of about 4,000 on the North Shore have grown tired of his rule-skirting ways. They've mounted a recall campaign to force him to resign or boot him out of office.
At last count, at least 25% of residents who are eligible to vote have signed the petition, according to those behind the movement. Even the city attorney, in a recent memorandum to the City Council, said Swanson has used his position for personal gain and violated the city's communications policy.
Uriah Hefter, a former supporter of Swanson's, is now involved with the "Resign or Recall" campaign.
"It's been a slow burn of people increasingly questioning his views and his motivations and what he's trying to do for the city," Hefter said. "He fancies himself Walt Disney, and he's not."
Swanson does, in fact, consider Disney a role model, describing the legendary animator and entrepreneur as "the visionary's visionary."