ST. PETER, MINN. — Daria “Dasha” Shyroka is a 19-year-old college student with a naturally bubbly disposition. She’s rarely seen without a smile, even in her precarious predicament: War in the homeland she hasn’t visited since 2021 but could soon see her forced return.
On a recent afternoon the smile was gone and Shyroka sat in a quiet room in the library at Gustavus Adolphus College, tears streaming down her face. The sophomore is often found here, her head buried in books. She apologized for losing her composure, her voice catching as she recalled the moment three years ago when everything changed.
It was early on Feb. 24, 2022, well before sunrise in the Alexandria home where Shyroka was living as a high school exchange student. Her phone woke her: Her mom calling from her hometown of Poltava in central Ukraine, between Kyiv and Kharkiv. Russia had attacked, her mom said. She was glad her only child was in a safe place.
Then her mom switched to the past tense: If this was the end, she said, “just know that me and Dad loved you so much.”
After the call, the teenager threw up.
The ensuing three years have been an emotional whirlwind: Her typical teen angst was stirred up by news reports of drone attacks on her hometown. Two communities, in Alexandria and at Gustavus, supporting her during her time in limbo. Her dad on the front lines while her mother, who works in the legal profession, processing estates of the war dead. Working toward becoming a doctor like her grandparents — taking 19 college credits this semester as a double major in chemistry and nursing — despite not knowing if her stay in the United States will abruptly end as President Donald Trump weighs revoking the legal status of fellow displaced Ukrainians.
“It’s hard to imagine what’s going to happen next,” she said. “My reality is I need to be prepared for anything. The only thing I’m really wishing for is for Russia to stop attacking my sweet home and just let Ukraine be safe and happy again, like it was before.”

Displaced by war
Instead of focusing on her own uncertainty — whether she’ll finish college here or be sent back to a war zone — Shyroka focuses on the bigger issue. Because she knows plenty of Ukrainians in the United States have had it worse than she has, and that they all have been the lucky ones, their everyday lives not dominated by war.