MONTEVIDEO, MINN. - Walk through downtown Montevideo and it's hard to miss the towering statue of José Artigas, the national hero of Uruguay who has stood guard over this small Minnesota town for 62 years.
Swing by the town's Fiesta Days in June and see diplomatic and civic leaders from the South American nation enjoying a Uruguayan-style barbecue with Minnesota friends.
Or stop by the library and meet a Uruguayan photographer who just published a book documenting the quirky and historic friendship between the two Montevideos.
In 1905, an unlikely friendship was forged between the farm town of Montevideo, Minn., and the capital city of Uruguay, one that remains vibrant today. With 6,000 miles between them and commercial airlines not yet invented, odds were that the connection would fade. But a lively give-and-take has endured between these two cities that defies explanation.
It's one of the oldest of the thousands of city-to-city partnerships in the nation and is well known among the national leaders who oversee them.
"Minnesota and Uruguay are definitely unique among the partners, " said Melissa Golladay, a director at Washington, D.C.-based Partners of the Americas, a network of the 60-some partnerships that the Montevideos joined in 1965. "They share the same name and a cultural bond. It's amazing the impact they've had in their communities."
For Uruguayan diplomats such as Nury Bauzan, the consul general based in Chicago, coming to Montevideo last week ended 20 years of wondering what this place was about.
"Diplomatically, we know about these things but I had never been here," Bauzan said. She was supposed to be joined by the minister of foreign affairs and a trade delegation -- all who were unable to come because of flight cancellations.