Gov. Tim Walz appointed two women to the state Supreme Court on Monday, returning the court to a female majority and elevating two judges with extensive experience in public defense work.
Court of Appeals Judge Theodora Gaïtas and Stearns County Chief Judge Sarah Hennesy will fill the seats held by retiring Justices Margaret Chutich and G. Barry Anderson, respectively. Hennesy will take her seat May 13, the Monday after Anderson steps down. Gaïtas will go on the bench Aug. 1, a day after Chutich departs.
The governor said Hennesy stood out for her “brilliant legal mind,” authenticity, “curiosity and care about the world.” He also noted that she understands the needs of the state’s “smaller counties with limited resources.” Her judicial district stretches from Stearns County to the North Dakota border.
Walz then turned to his first appointee to the state Supreme Court, Gordon Moore, the justice who came from the Nobles County bench based in Worthington. “Justice Moore, you’ve got a companion on the court,” Walz said.
Before he chose the two new justices, Walz spoke with Chief Justice Natalie Hudson about the needs of the court. Adding a justice with appeals court experience was “really, really important,” he said she told him.
Walz already knew Gaïtas, whom he referred to as Teddie, because he appointed her to the Court of Appeals four years ago. Before that, she served two years on the Hennepin County District Court bench as an appointee of Gov. Mark Dayton in 2018.
“What always impressed me about her is an understanding that justice is not a one-size-fits-all proposition,” he said.

The governor highlighted her 15 years as an appellate criminal public defender, representing an array of defendants from “all walks of life.” He said she may be the only justice with substantial experience on both the district and appellate courts.