Two park commissioners are openly questioning the wisdom of continued pumping of groundwater to keep the Hiawatha golf course from flooding.
Scott Vreeland and John Erwin raised questions about the practice of pumping an estimated 263 million gallons annually when the Park Board was briefed Wednesday night about the latest plans for investigating whether and how much pumping should continue.
Assistant Superintendent Michael Schroeder told the board he'll have a recommendation next July on whether to continue, reduce or eliminate pumping groundwater from ponds at Hiawatha into the adjoining lake. He said he'll update the public on next steps on Nov. 29 at 6:30 p.m. at Powderhorn Recreation Center, 3400 15th Av. S.
Vreeland said the situation reminds him of putting a finger in a dike, with the lake elevation higher than major portions of the course. The Park Board may have to turn off pumps and work with homeowners to address "a slow disaster that is potentially headed their way."
Consultants and the Park Board have identified 18 homes in the area that potentially could face water in their basements if twin large-capacity pumps are turned off or their volume reduced, which would allow the groundwater level to rise. One possibility in those scenarios might be to install basement sump pumps.
Erwin questioned the sustainability of using an estimated 70,000 kilowatt hours annually to run the golf course pumps, with an estimated annual cost of about $10,500.
Schroeder said observations of golf course employees suggest that the course is sinking. That could be because the continued pumping may allow compression of spaces vacated by groundwater between peaty soil particles. He said that monitoring plates will be installed if consultants recommend that to try to measure the rate of any subsidence.
Another wrinkle was introduced when Schroeder told commissioners that impediments in Minnehaha Creek downstream of Lake Hiawatha may be having an impact on the lake's level. He said those haven't fully been investigated but at least a large gas pipe and a weir that impound water could being keeping the lake higher. Removing them might lower the lake slightly.