A year into his job, Hennepin County Library Director Chad Helton has moved to Los Angeles, where he says he will work "most of the time."
The county's human resources chief, 30-year Hennepin County veteran Michael Rossman, has been living in Palm Springs, Calif., since January. Working remotely has been a success and presented no problem for him, he says.
But the living situations for both department heads have raised eyebrows among some county employees, many of whom must go to workplaces to serve the public — particularly library workers who say Helton should be based in the metro area where Hennepin's 41 branches are located.
"How can he run a county library system from halfway across the country?" asked Cassandra Hendricks, an associate librarian at the Hopkins branch. "It feels as though the administration is so removed."
Helton and Rossman's residential situation has the backing of County Administrator David Hough, who said the interim policy was developed by top administrators last year. It permits employees to work out of the state during the pandemic as long as their supervisors approve of the move and they can do their jobs.
According to the county, 74 Hennepin County employees are now working out of state. That number includes 45 in Wisconsin, at least some of whom likely live in the western part of the state near the Twin Cities.
Helton and Rossman, who each make more than $180,000 a year, are the highest level county officials working out of state.
Helton oversees a system of 41 libraries with 562 employees, and Rossman supervises a staff of 120 full-time equivalent workers.