Damarra Atkins remembers vividly what it felt like to watch George Floyd's murder for the first time.
Atkins expected it to be like video from other police killings: brutal but short. As the white officer continued to pin his knee to the neck of a Black man — despite his pleas for breath, despite the crowd's cries to relent — Atkins disconnected. A temporary numbness set in. A sense of urgency followed.
"It just kicked off a whole series of personal exploration and learnings and new things that I had to deal with," said Atkins who is "half Black, half white" and started attending protests hoping "to make my little corner of existence more tangibly helpful."
Two years later, Atkins and other activists say they're still waiting for City Hall to meet their level of awakening. Floyd's killing ushered in a global movement re-examining policing and a dramatic shift in the way Americans discuss the profession. The city, though, has yet to fulfill the promise elected leaders made to build a transformative new safety system.
When they're asked how Minneapolis is faring in its efforts to accomplish that goal, many city leaders pause and say it's a difficult question. They see promise in new city pilot programs that rely on civilians — not officers — to handle some calls, but overhauling police operations continues to feel like a formidable task.
"Healing could come as we are addressing these deep, deep, deep systemic issues in our community," City Council President Andrea Jenkins said. That will require the city to respond "with urgency" to concerns about problems within the Police Department and inequality throughout Minneapolis.
'Pockets of hope'
Thirteen days passed between Floyd's murder and the moment Jenkins and eight of her council colleagues took the stage in Powderhorn Park and pledged to "begin the process of ending the Minneapolis Police Department" and create "a new, transformative model for cultivating safety in Minneapolis."