After being severely damaged in last year's riots, the U.S. Bank branch on West Broadway in Minneapolis shifted operations to an RV in the parking lot. When winter arrived, the branch's five employees moved to temporary space next door.
Finally, last month, they began work in refurbished digs — a slightly smaller, more modern and technologically-advanced branch.
It includes the features of U.S. Bank's newest branch design such as digital workstations with tablets, ATMs that can handle most transactions and several glass-walled offices where customers can pop in to sit down and speak with a banker.
"We made it a lot more efficient, more well laid out for the customers, with a lot of great technology," said Ravie Singh, the branch manager. "It's one of our top of the line branches."
He added that customers appreciate that they don't have to drive out to the suburbs to see something so new and updated.
"We have that in our community now," he said.
The north Minneapolis branch has some extra local touches. Murals featuring diverse faces adorn the exterior as well as a wall of a conference room. They were created by Juxtaposition Arts, a nonprofit arts group located across the street.
The branch is just starting to spread the word that the conference room is also available for community groups. The West Broadway Business and Area Coalition, which Singh is on the board of, is already planning to use it for meetings.