Back in high school, Jenna Perkins brought an infectious vibe to every flag football field, track oval, basketball court and bowling alley that she set foot on. That's still her role.
"I get everyone hyped," the Special Olympics athlete says, pumping her palms into the air.
And her pal Danny Striggow has been right along with her.
"Jenna knows how to get the crowd going, that's for sure," said Striggow, a former state high school wrestling champion who now plays football for the University of Minnesota. "She's like the Energizer Bunny. You can feel it when she enters the field — her constant energy, being able to put a smile on someone's face, just like that."
Their friendship developed at Orono High School because of the advent of what's known as unified sports and clubs. Its rise represents the most significant shift in the 50 years that Special Olympics Minnesota has been in existence, according to its president and CEO, Dave Dorn.
When the organization started in 1973, its focus was on expanding opportunities for people with disabilities, often through athletic competitions of their own. The unified movement brings together people with and without intellectual disabilities playing on the same team and working toward a common goal. Unified sports was launched in 1988, but it has exploded over the past decade within school programming.
That's how Perkins and Striggow — not to mention a good chunk of his varsity football buddies — found themselves doing choreographed kicklines alongside each other during halftime at basketball games.
"Half the football team was trying out for unified dance because it was so much fun," Striggow said. "I don't think there are negative reviews. Once you interact with a Special Olympics event, you come back."