Steph Moores used to chip in $10 a month for her company's annual United Way campaign. Then she joined a United Way donor community group to help homeless LGBTQ youth, and she supersized her monthly giving to $250.
"This is so near and dear to my heart. This is a personal passion," said Moores, a 3M Co. employee.
The Greater Twin Cities United Way, in an effort to reverse recent fundraising shortfalls and become less dependent on the check-the-box workplace giving campaigns that became its trademark, is turning to different and creative methods to attract a new generation of donors like Moores who want more control over their giving.
Those methods include courting individual donors outside the office; promoting community giving groups around topics that inspire passion, such as the one for LGBTQ youth; offering fee-based consulting services to businesses with philanthropic arms; and building United Way's $52 million endowment with legacy gifts to smooth the ups and downs of annual giving.
It's part of the nonprofit's new strategic plan to diversify and grow its $87.9 million in revenue while better engaging donors eager to take a more active role in their own philanthropy.
"We are living in the era of individuality. More and more we want to have a direct relationship with individuals. We don't feel we need to have an intermediary in every case," President and CEO Sarah Caruso said. "The company campaigns will not go away. Now there is a whole menu of ways to give."
Almost 90 percent of United Way's donations come through workplace campaigns and 10 percent come from individuals. United Way's goal is to increase individual donors to 30 percent and to offer its workplace donors opportunities to join giving groups and volunteer.
As part of the planning, the Twin Cities nonprofit is also focusing on three core areas it's calling "ecosystems" — education, jobs and safety net. For the first time it's crafted a vision statement: "A united community where all people realize their full potential."