The Bulldogs are back in town.
University of Minnesota Duluth students back on campus
Nearly 11,000 students prepare for classes starting Monday.
The University of Minnesota Duluth welcomed students back to campus by the thousands on Thursday as that well-worn collegiate scene of parents dropping off their kids at the dorms unfolded on an ideal Duluth day.
By the numbers:
• 8,920 total undergraduates
• 2,400 first-year undergrads
• 674 graduate students
• 1,240 non-degree and professional students
• 10,830 total estimated enrollment for 2019
• 11,040 enrollment for 2018
• 23 states are home for this year's students, as are
• 10 countries
• 2,062 new students started moving into campus housing on Thursday
• 844 returning students will join them
• 4,000 hot dogs were served up for the daylong welcome celebration.
The proposal suggests removing the 20-year protection on the Superior National Forest that President Joe Biden’s administration had ordered in 2023.