The University of Michigan credits ownership of its teaching hospital with promoting collaboration among researchers while rallying the school around the cause of improving health care quality.
For these and other reasons, Mary Sue Coleman, a past university president at Michigan, told an audience Wednesday at the University of Minnesota that hospital ownership “has been enormously effective.”
But Coleman stopped short of a blanket endorsement of the ownership model, which U officials currently are contemplating as they negotiate a possible deal to reacquire University of Minnesota Medical Center in Minneapolis.
“It’s not essential for academic medical centers to own their hospitals,” Coleman said. “It depends on culture, geography, environment — there are so many issues. ... It’s worked for us; it may not work for everybody.”
Coleman was part of a health care panel Wednesday convened for the inauguration of new U President Rebecca Cunningham, who previously served at Michigan as an emergency physician, researcher and top administrator. Cunningham moderated the panel and asked her former boss if there are any advantages for universities to own their teaching hospitals.
Minneapolis-based Fairview Health Services has owned University of Minnesota Medical Center since acquiring the hospital in a financial bailout in 1997. In February, Fairview and the U announced a nonbinding letter of intent for the university to purchase the hospital facility.
They are supposed to reach a definitive agreement by Sept. 30. Last week, Cunningham told the Star Tribune that a final decision depends on complicated details that still are being analyzed. At this point, the purchase price is unclear.
“We have aspired to the deadlines outlined in the [letter of intent], but the most important thing is that we get these agreements right,” Fairview and the U said Wednesday in a joint statement. “Our work continues.”