Metro Transit has upgraded its NexTrip system with software that's designed to provide real-time schedule information to riders with a higher degree of accuracy.
The new software went live last week and is the first major upgrade to the system in about a decade, said Laura Matson, Metro Transit's program manager of real-time customer information.
"It's important to the customers," Matson said. "It's frustrating when it doesn't work and we are trying to improve the experience of using transit. We respect their time."
NexTrip now also includes arrival and departure times for buses operated by SouthWest Transit, Maple Grove Transit and Plymouth Metrolink.
Millions access NexTrip annually to find out when their bus or train is supposed to arrive, but until now the system has been accurate only 65 to 70% of the time. With this upgrade, NexTrip should have a batting average of 80% or better, Matson said.
NexTrip previously relied on a bus' GPS unit to determine its location and predict how long it would take to reach the next time point. Information was updated every eight seconds.
But the system was unable to factor in variables such as weather, traffic jams or how much time a bus spends picking up and dropping off passengers, all of which influence trip times.
The new software, developed by Cambridge Systematics Inc., is smarter, Matson said. It has more input points and can draw on historical data to recognize how long it has taken previous buses on a route to pass specific checkpoints, and then incorporate that data to make predictions.