Prince has left the building. Sort of.
His ashes are no longer on display for tours at Paisley Park museum. And fans are disappointed.
"I felt sad when I heard," said Marilynn McNair, of Atlanta, who has been to Paisley three times since Prince died in April 2016, and she's returning there next month.
"If anyone should be in Paisley Park, it's Prince," she said in a phone interview. "Did the relatives spirit [the ashes] away somewhere and they're going to be buried or divvied up in their homes? You don't really know what's going on."
Omarr Baker, Prince's brother, says the ashes are still at the Paisley Park complex, "just not on display."
Explaining the move, he said, "Three years is enough time to mourn. There's a season for everything."
As with many things involving the Prince estate, his heirs disagree.
"I'm very upset with this. I think one or two heirs approved the move," said Sharon Nelson, the oldest of Prince's six surviving siblings. "They claimed that people were getting too emotional and sad."