MANKATO – A jury found Adam Fravel guilty of murdering Madeline Kingsbury, his ex-girlfriend whose disappearance from Winona in March 2023 sparked nationwide interest and a search that drew more than 2,000 volunteers.
Fravel, 30, was charged with four counts of murder after Kingsbury’s body was found in a culvert near a dirt road off Hwy. 43 that June, a few miles from Fravel’s parents’ property. His trial started Oct. 7, and the jury deliberated for about 10 hours before reaching a verdict Thursday morning.
Fravel is scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 17. He faces a mandatory life sentence for first-degree premeditated murder.
Prosecutors say Fravel was jealous because Kingsbury planned to leave him for another man. Fravel also depended on Kingsbury financially, and the relationship appears to have turned sour after Kingsbury gave birth to the first of their two children.
Friends and family of both Kingsbury and Fravel were in attendance for the verdict.
Fravel, dressed in a black suit, showed emotion in court for the first time when he broke down in tears and wiped his face with a tissue as people filed into the courtroom. Both sides had tears in their eyes by the time Winona County District Judge Nancy Buytendorp finished reading the verdict.
Several of Fravel’s family members sobbed after the court adjourned.
“It’s been a disappointing day,” Fravel’s attorney, Zach Bauer, said. Bauer believes Fravel will appeal the verdict, but it’s unclear whether Bauer will continue to represent him.