Any story on Vikings offensive coordinator Wes Phillips, what football means to this third-generation NFL coach, and what that, in turn, means to Vikings coach Kevin O'Connell must include the tale of a retired Marine Corps sniper named Lee Hays waking up in the desert in 2004 in the passenger's seat of an old state police car that had been donated to West Texas A&M's Division II football team.
Hays was the school's second-year offensive coordinator. Phillips, 25 and 12 years younger, was the first-year quarterbacks coach.
"We're on a recruiting trip from Amarillo, Texas, to San Francisco, down to San Diego and back to Amarillo," Hays said. "The car's so old, we're carrying a jug of water because the radiator has a leak. Wes is barely making two pennies to rub together, stuck working for an old Marine. Buddy, if you can survive that, you really want to coach."
Hays drove until midnight. Phillips took over. Hays went to sleep, figuring Phillips would wake him up to drive or look for a hotel when he got tired. Phillips instead pulled to the side of the road, threw the seat back and …
"I wake up and the sun's up and we're boiling because it's 120 degrees in the car," Hays said. "I look over and scream, 'Goddangit, Wes! GET UP!' "
"And that's how Wes Phillips — Bum's grandson and Wade's son — got his start in coaching."
Hays and Phillips stay in touch. Now a line coach at Lubbock-Cooper High in Lubbock, Texas, Hays texted Monday morning asking for plays to beat the Cover 4 schemes used by the Fighting Pirates' next opponent.