More lifestyle than pastime, duck hunting commands the wingshooter's attention in ways other field sports don't. Some will disagree, particularly those Minnesota waterfowlers who have grown weary of viewing mostly empty skies over their decoys, their early morning risings, they believe, having gone to waste.
Fair enough. But the fact remains that anyone who is serious about duck hunting, no matter the relative abundance of birds, is serious also about the equipment the sport requires — equipment that in many cases qualifies as art, or at least memorabilia. Waders, cold-weather gear and retrieving dogs might not fit these descriptions. But decoys do, as do calls and the specialized watercraft duck hunters often deploy.
Or so I said to my wife recently while revealing my purchase of a vintage Grumman Sport Boat.
"You already have a duck hunting boat and a canoe you camouflaged for duck hunting," she said.
"But Grumman Sport Boats aren't made anymore," I said. "And this one is cherry. Original owner, original paint."
Duck-hunting boats, or "duck boats," have long fascinated me. Pieces of Americana that in most cases are designed for specific uses in very specific environments, their common intent, always, is to transport the waterfowler to a site where he or she can close to within shotgun range of mallards, wigeon, gadwall, teal or other winged fowl.
In Louisiana, for instance, the pirogue, originally a sort-of cypress dugout (now flat-bottomed) double-ended canoe, is still used, as it was a century ago. Sculling boats, in which a long, single oar extends from the transom of a one-person layout boat, allowing the hunter to scull the boat by moving the oar side to side, is similarly a unique duck boat made for specific purposes in specific places.
Other specialty duck boats include the Barnegat Bay (N.J.) Sneakbox, the California tule splitter and the Marblehead (Mass.) gunning dory, the latter used for sea duck hunting.