Voice of Dora the Explorer all grown up, feeling litigious

Two years and out

By jameslileks

October 8, 2010 at 1:57PM
(The Minnesota Star Tribune)
c. Nickelodeon
c. Nickelodeon (The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Suer! No suing! Here's the story:

No, she doesn't. This is bogus "growing trend" writing. "Observers" have been questioning child labor in show business for a long time. And what is an "observer," anyway? Someone who stands across the street from the studio with a pair of binoculars? Is it a paid position, or volunteer?

Nick released a statement:

Observers are also questioning whether this will affect the growing trend of people in Hollywood suing over money, as well as the rising trend of people never ever working in the business again. Meanwhile, did you know you could get a Dora the Explorer costume for Halloween? This is what Amazon has:

(The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Orange pants and a pink shirt. Observers say you could pull this together from stuff you have around the house. How do they know what's in your closet? Are they going through your drawers while you're at work?

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