W. Scott Olsen


Latest from W. Scott Olsen

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Bookmark: When winter closes in, we travel through words

These splendid in-between times provide an opportunity for serious reading.
January 28, 2022
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Bookmark: Bookstore browsing offers new worlds

I went to a bookstore. I did not go to get something — I went to see what was there.
November 19, 2021
A shopper at the flagship PowellÕs Books store in Portland, Oregon, on Nov. 2, 2021. Like the rest of PortlandÕs urban core Ñ and like downtowns across the United States ÑPowellÕs Books is contending with staggering uncertainty. (Amanda Lucier/The New York Times)
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Review: 'Sauntering,' edited by Duncan Minshull

NONFICTION: Essays by 60 writers explore the joys and pains of walking.
May 14, 2021