A renter in Hennepin County whose landlord filed to evict them this month likely won't learn whether they will be kicked out of their home until the middle of winter because of a massive court backlog.
What used to be about a 20-day process skyrocketed this summer amid a huge increase in eviction filings when the pandemic-related eviction moratorium lifted.
"In normal times, evictions never run this slow. It's just the sheer volume. This has been the busiest couple months on record," said Rachael Sterling, housing attorney and communications coordinator for HOME Line, a tenants' rights nonprofit.
This is leaving both tenants and landlords in a state of uncertainty for months.
The delays aren't all bad news for tenants, though. It could mean more time to put together the money to pay back rent, seek financial assistance or explore legal options. But that's only helpful if the tenant is actually aware the eviction has been filed — something not necessarily guaranteed under state law.
Hennepin County, which has the most eviction filings in the state, saw the most dramatic increase in the time between an eviction filing and either a judgment or even a first hearing. In June, the average time had increased to about two and a half months. By August, it was over four months.
Other counties are seeing less severe increases. The average time in Ramsey County is about two and a half months. In Anoka County, it's about six weeks.
A spokesperson for the Fourth Judicial District, which covers Hennepin County, said the court is planning to schedule more hearings per week starting next month. However, he declined to comment further about the backlog, saying staff members need more time to assess trends.