Natural light spills into the lobby, decorated in soothing grays and yellows. Affirmations cover the walls: Passion. Support. Transparency. Honesty. So, yeah, I wasn't sure I was in the right place. But this is the Bloomington-based corporate offices of a car dealership. Walser Automotive, led by CEO Andrew Walser, has been breaking molds for a while, shifting to a one-car-one-price model 17 years ago and eliminating commission-based sales in 2011 to appeal to a new brand of employee. Beginning Jan. 1, Walser will offer paid parental leave as part of its continuing drive toward family-friendly policies in an industry not considered warm and fuzzy. Walser, 51, the married father of four, shares what motivates him.
Q: Your one-month paid leave includes maternity, paternity and adoption leave. What led you here?
A: It came out of a series of roundtable discussions with employees. With Chief Human Resources Officer Sherry Schultz, we held hundreds of sessions. Ninety-nine percent of our employees told us that family was the most important value to them. I'd find myself approaching new employees saying, 'I'm surprised you don't want to go to our Lexus dealership in Wichita with all the luxury models,' and I'd hear, 'Well, my wife's parents or my parents are here.' Being able to have parents and grandparents in the same community is tremendously important to them.
Q: Especially, I imagine, when they start their own families. How many employees do you anticipate will take parental leave annually?
A: We have about 1,700 employees between Minneapolis and Wichita. We expect about 20 parents a year will take the paid leave, split 50-50 between mothers and fathers. Both mothers and fathers are equally excited to have time off.
Q: And you've got a plan to help them transition back to work, too.
A: We've partnered with, an online marketplace, to offer our employees unlimited digital access to baby sitters, house cleaners and pet sitters, as well as a discounted rate at an accredited national day care. We'll also offer up to five days of company-subsidized "emergency" backup child care.
Q: Selling cars has never been at the top of family-friendly career options, both because of the financial uncertainty of working on commission and the long, unpredictable hours. How are you addressing those issues with your young sales and support staffs?