Responding Tuesday to the surging COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. Tim Walz announced dial-back measures that close bars and restaurants at 10 p.m. and restrict the sizes of wedding and funeral receptions, as well as indoor and outdoor gatherings.
"We turned our dials [forward]; we are going to have to turn them back a bit today," Walz said during an afternoon news conference.
The move comes as the growing pandemic is putting pressure on hospital bed capacity, with only 22 intensive care beds available in the metro area.
State officials said the new restrictions are targeted to settings where the new coronavirus is spreading.
"This is where we can have the biggest impact in the shortest amount of time without the massive disruption," Walz said.
A trade group representing bars and restaurants said the earlier closing time was unfair and would cause financial harm.
The changes do not affect existing safety guidelines for offices, gyms, youth sports or schools. Retail stores, which are a minor factor in COVID-19 spread, now can operate at 100% capacity.
Minnesota Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm said similar actions taken in other states proved that they are effective in slowing COVID-19 case growth.