High school students across the Twin Cities staged a walkout to demand action on climate change Friday, meeting en masse at the State Capitol to press lawmakers on the issue.
"We need to cause an uproar," said Maya Sprenger-Otto, an organizer and student at Washburn High School in Minneapolis, addressing a crowd of several hundred teens on the Capitol steps. "We won't be stopped until substantial change is made."
Friday's student "strike" in the Twin Cities was part of a wave of youth-led climate demonstrations across the globe. Similar walkouts, inspired by a protest staged by a Swedish teen, were held in more than 100 cities worldwide, with some rallies attracting tens of thousands of marchers.
In Minnesota, students also gathered in Duluth and Rochester.
Students at the St. Paul rally said their goal is to send a message to lawmakers that they want immediate change to protect their future. Many cited a 2018 United Nations report on climate change calling for "rapid and far-reaching" changes to slow global warming in the coming years. Failure to act, authors cautioned, will result in dire and irreversible consequences for both the environment and the world's population.
Ruthie Hottinger, a seventh-grader from Shoreview, worries that "things are getting out of control and it's scary." Three friends told her in the last week that they don't want to have children because they fear the effects of climate change will have on the world, she said.
"In my future I see a world that's safe to live in and smiling faces all around," Hottinger, 13, told the crowd. But that's not going to happen if you and I don't stand up for what we want and what we need."
Max Sherman, a senior at De La Salle High School, echoed those calls for immediate action.