There's an inspiring tale of pluck and determination at the start of "Nature and Revelation," Jeanne Halgren Kilde's engaging history of Macalester College (University of Minnesota Press, 2010). It's all the more noteworthy considering current attitudes about work and pay at my alma mater, but more on that in a minute.
The school is named after an early donor from out east named Charles Macalester II, a 19th-century financier who halfheartedly bequeathed an old hotel near St. Anthony Falls to become a college in his name, then promptly died. They kept his name but put the building on the market.
Macalester should have been called Neill College, however, because it owes its existence to a difficult, persistent and persuasive educator who cajoled that early gift, plus countless others, the Rev. Edward Duffield Neill.
A Philadelphia missionary who arrived in Lowertown when St. Paul was a dirty trading village at the end of the paddleboat line, Neill labored for 35 years to create the frontier college of his imagination. He solicited its first funds, created the college seal, helped find the land, delivered its opening address, designed curriculum and served as its first president.
Yet so tight were funds that Neill needed to beg the trustees for his pay, beginning the year before the school opened and lasting to the end of his life. "As early as December 1884," writes Kilde, "Neill … reported that he had not been paid and had been forced to borrow to pay his living expenses." Years down the line Neill's shabby treatment at the hands of the college he founded persisted. His salary was two months late in 1893, leading him to write "that he had borrowed from the bank for household expenses and the note was coming due," according to Kilde. "House rent, servants' wages and grocery bills are behind,' " he wrote in an extant dunning letter that probably isn't being hung for show anywhere in Old Main. "Relief must be had or I must go to the wall."
He would be dead within the year. Neill was toiling at the school he dedicated his life to creating despite being stiffed an agreed-upon salary of $1,600 annually plus $50 a month for housing. Adjust for inflation and you learn the college's most important president (by then a professor — it's complicated) would have been happy to get paid the equivalent of just $55,359 in today's dollars. Which isn't bad, as modern salaries go, though it won't pay for putting your kids through a school like Macalester.
Times have changed, of course. Executives today want nice things and can't be expected to take meaningful work as its own reward. But it's striking to consider how much less leaders of the past needed to feel compensated.