In the weeks since George Floyd died after being pinned by since-fired Minneapolis police officers, activists and some City Council members have called for defunding, dismantling or abolishing its police department. They used the terms in a variety of ways. Here's a rundown of what we do — and don't — know about what those calls might mean for the future of the city.
Q: Why is the City Council talking about dismantling or defunding Minneapolis police?
A: The killing of Floyd shocked the community's conscience and launched two weeks of global protests. But the problem is long-standing. The city's poorer and minority residents on whom police disproportionately use force are often wary of officers.
Q: What do Minneapolis City Council members mean by dismantling the department?
A: Nine City Council members gathered in Powderhorn Park in early June and promised to "begin the process of ending the Minneapolis Police Department." They did not present a detailed plan for what that would mean. In conversations since then, multiple council members have talked about boosting funding for programs aimed at preventing violence and evaluating whether other employees — such as EMS workers or mental health professionals — could respond to some types of calls currently handled by officers.
Q: Is dismantling different from defunding?
A: Dismantling frequently implies abolition of the current structure. Defunding refers to shaving the budget. Behind both is the idea of shifting resources from a paramilitary police force to education and social services with the aim of reducing socioeconomic disparities.
Q: Will there be police on Minneapolis streets this summer?