Memories can be a magic elixir. So a simple question posed years ago to my elderly great-aunt led to a remarkable transformation. Thin, tired and in failing health, she sat up and animatedly answered this:
What is the first historical event you remember?
On Nov. 11, 1918, church bells around the world pealed forth to mark the end of World War I. The chimes rang out in London, Paris and across the United States, including in Aunt Mary Margaret's hometown of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Prayers uttered aloud, happy tears, and dancing on porches accompanied the joyous cacophony. Mary Margaret was only 7 at the time, but eight decades later she could effortlessly bring the euphoria to life.
At the COVID-19 pandemic's beginning, I found myself recalling that long-ago conversation and hoping for a bells-ring-out moment to mark our ordeal's end. That yearning has long since yielded to weary resignation that there likely won't be a day when total victory is declared and the world is COVID-free. While the virus may become more of a manageable threat like influenza at some point, vigilance is the new reality.
Among the reasons: the virus's vast spread. And, what the omicron variant's arrival reveals not only about our medical arsenal's limitations but about this pathogen's ability to leverage human fallibility. Specifically, when there are large numbers of people unvaccinated voluntarily or because they don't have access to the shots, the virus capitalizes on this to evolve, with the current omicron surge a chilling reminder of what can happen.
"We will see more Greek letters,'' said Dr. David Hilden at a Twin Cities forum on Tuesday. Hilden, Hennepin Healthcare's vice president of medical affairs, was referring to the nomenclature in use to designate emerging variants of concern.
Not all the new variants will be more dangerous, but there is that potential. "The honest-to-goodness truth is yes, we're going to have COVID-19 well beyond the year 2019 for which it is named,'' Hilden said, adding that it is "nearly impossible for us to eradicate."
For the time being, that probably means more of the same: Surges that can disrupt life, with quieter spans when life feels like it did pre-COVID, and timely actions taken to protect our families.