Where does the money go?

February 8, 2008 at 1:24AM

Both Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama have been raising and spending incredible sums. Each raised $100 million last year and sped through at least $80 million. That compared with $128 million raised by all of the Democratic candidates combined during 2003. Where does that money go? Here are some examples of their expenditures. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON

• Ads that began airing Jan. 23 in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah: more than $1.6 million

• Telephone expenses, paid to Verizon on Nov. 27: $14,279.55

• Printing costs for the last three months of 2007: about $1.3 million

• Postage expenses for the last three months of 2007: $332,001.22

• Office equipment expense, paid to US21 Computers Inc. on Dec. 19: $50,236.12

• Event expense at Morton's steakhouse in Chicago, paid on Oct. 3: $18,551.80

• Travel in the last three months of 2007: about $4.1 million


• A 30-second Super Bowl ad: $250,000

• Telephone expenses, paid to Verizon on Nov. 29: $70,308.48

• Printing costs for the last three months of 2007: $709,579.47

• Postage expenses for the last three months of 2007: about $1 million

• Website hosting expenses, paid to Blue State Digital LCC on Oct. 3: $71,527.56

• Payments to Dunkin' Donuts during the last three months of 2007: $352.69

• Travel and lodging in the last three months of 2007: about $5.7 million.

Source: Federal Election Commission

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