MURDOCK, MINN. – A Nordic heritage group that religious scholars have identified as a white supremacist organization is sinking permanent roots into this Swift County town.
For $45,000, the Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) bought an abandoned Lutheran church and is creating its third "Hof," or gathering hall, joining others the group operates in California and North Carolina. Organizers said the hall is intended to serve believers throughout the Midwest.
The move has come as a surprise to many in this town of 275 residents 115 miles northwest of the Twin Cities. Word of the deal spread in the past week after the political blog Bluestem Prairie reported it. There's been a lot of chatter about the sale on social media, said Brianna Watkins, who lives 4 miles outside town.
"People don't like what they're hearing," she said. "They're calling them white supremacists."
Mayor Craig Kavanagh said he first heard about the church at a City Council meeting last week and is trying to learn more about the group.
"I know I've got a bunch of people in town worked up about it," he said. "People don't know what to think. Obviously, some are expecting the worst."
Murdock residents have nothing to worry about, said Allen Turnage, a Florida lawyer who bought the church on behalf of the group and serves on the AFA's national board of directors.
The organization exists to celebrate the ancient, pre-Christian heritage of Nordic worship, he said, likening it to groups that celebrate Native American or African ancestral cultures.