“It is a bit of a workout,” Tara Maldonado admits.
She’s referring to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Shock ride at the Mall of America, which she’d just ridden — for the fourth time that morning.
Shell Shock is a towering, industrial-looking ride with an arm that holds 12 riders, each strapped into their own seat. Riders have two mechanisms they can grab onto to leverage their body weight and get their whole seat spinning through the air as the arm takes them roughly 75 feet off the ground.
On this last go-round, she hit 61 rotations of her ride cage. That’s close to where she tops out, but it’s not for lack of trying. She’s obsessed with maximizing the spin count, because she loves how it feels.
“There’s a spin counter in the ride, but one time it stopped working, so since then I count in my head,” she explains.
Maldonado, 31, from Prior Lake, takes this amusement park ride very seriously, but the folks waiting in line for the ride and looking on can’t stop smiling.
“Can I get a selfie with you?” a polite stranger asks. Maldonado obliges.
She is still getting comfortable being an amusement park celebrity. But it’s clear that the mall’s Nickelodeon Universe is her kingdom and she’s the undisputed Queen Spinner of Shell Shock.